Shamrock Shuffle & St. Patrick's Day Parade (3/14)
John & I participated in the Shamrock Shuffle 5k run with a few of my friends. The day was beautiful and we enjoyed the run. It was a little on the hilly side though!
After the run John & I enjoyed a Plaza burger and green beer before going back to get the kids for the parade. The kids had a blast at the parade with Sophia, Bella, Margot, and Elise!
A LOT of candy was gathered...
After the parade the kids ran around on the capitol lawn for a while.
A two year old in the bathroom by herself...not a good idea. Alyssa enjoyed herself while filling the toilet with toilet paper. Thankfully she does not actually use the toilet, so the mess was purely unused toilet paper in an empty toilet :)

I guess we are slow learners...Alyssa was washing her hands by herself in the bathroom. She managed to soak her shirt so much that the back was wet and she got her head wet somehow.

Alyssa & Ryan watching a movie at Nana's house.
The new minivan has a DVD player which came with cordless earphones! We are officially spoiled, the kids can watch a movie and John and I can still listen to music. They only get to use it on longer trips but it is very nice!
Daddy & Alyssa
Alyssa, Mom & Ryan
John, being the best husband and dad ever, took a day off work so I could go on a weekend away with my friend. We flew to San Francisco, spent a day in Napa, and then a day in downtown San Francisco where Jill joined us. This is Kathy, Jill, and I on our spur of the moment boat trip on the bay. John says he had a great time with the kids too.