Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Ryan playing 3 vs. 3 soccer. The team is three and four year olds. They do not play with a goalie...not that score is kept but there are surprisingly few goals scored.

Banana anyone?
Alyssa spent a good 15 minutes deciding how she should wear a maternity shirt that she found. She attempted many different are a few of the attempts.

Alyssa relaxing.
Alyssa checking out Trevor.
Jill and Trevor
Alyssa trying on her new winter hat and mittens.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mom & Dad's 60th Birthday Dinner

Happy 60th Birthday, Mom (a little early) and Dad (a little late)!!! We were fortunate to have a number of family members travel to join us for a lovely dinner at The Restaurant Magnus. We all had a really nice time enjoying the company and the really good food. Here are a few pictures that I have...if people give me some more good ones I'll add them.

Dad is trying to make "60" with his hands (not flashing gang signs).

Jill, Mom, and Grandma (Mom's Mom)
The siblings from oldest to youngest - Jill, Sarah, Jeff, and Jamie
Aunt Jane (Mom's sister) and Uncle Doug
"The kids" made a stop at a bar after dinner.
Jill, Sarah, and Jeff
Darlene, Jeff, Seth, John, Jamie, Sarah, and Jill