Ryan and Alyssa at Bella's 2nd birthday party. It was a make your own sundae party and the kids had a blast.
There were also cupcakes that looked like ice cream cones.
Ryan had the opportunity to play outside with the other kids...but we didn't bring snow clothes. He apparently is not old enough to care about wearing "girl" colors.
John said goodbye to his Jeep and we purchased a Toyota Sienna. We are really enjoying the new car and loving how easy it is to load and unload the kids.

Ryan and Alyssa playing with stickers.
They get along sometimes :)

Mom, Ryan & Alyssa

Dad & Alyssa

Dad & Ryan

Ryan's new shelving. Thanks Dad!

Somebody's getting the look.
Ryan and Alyssa playing Nana's piano.

Stringing beads with Nana.