We have lots of toads and even a few of these frogs, which I assume are some kind of tree frog. They are kind of neat; they stick to the wall. The kids like them. I worry Ryan is going to squish one of them tying to pick it up (they are small). Also mowing the lawn trying to give the toads a chance to hop away is interesting.
Battle Wounds: A dangerous trip to the park (8/1)
It was a typical trip to the park (we thought)...John got home from work, the kids begged to go outside, we sent Ryan to the potty, got shoes on...and left. We were just about to the path to the park when Alyssa tripped over her own feet. She fell forward and apparently bit her lip (no scrapes on the face). So I carried the bleeding, screaming baby home to get cleaned up.

So...Alyssa was cleaned up and had her ice (for her instantly huge puffy lip). I put her in the stroller this time and we headed for the park again. No joke, in the same exact spot Ryan trips over his own feet and scrapes his elbow. He was running (of course) and talking to a neighbor across the street...bad idea. We still went on to the park where we were questioned by the other kids about what happened to Alyssa's lip and Ryan's elbow. Just one of those days I guess.
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